Cycle Frontier - Materials

Soil Base - Base graph to generate different soils, used widely across other graphs as well
Foliage by Sebastian Schade

Soil Base - Base graph to generate different soils, used widely across other graphs as well
Foliage by Sebastian Schade

Soil Base - Base graph to generate different soils, used widely across other graphs as well
 (BaseColor | Height | Roughness)

Soil Base - Base graph to generate different soils, used widely across other graphs as well
(BaseColor | Height | Roughness)

Grassy Soil - used under grass and other dense fields
Foliage by Sebastian Schade

Grassy Soil - used under grass and other dense fields
Foliage by Sebastian Schade

Grassy Soil - - used under grass and other dense fields
(BaseColor | Height | Roughness)

Grassy Soil - - used under grass and other dense fields
(BaseColor | Height | Roughness)

Mulch - Organic matter found in our dense forests
Foliage by Sebastian Schade

Mulch - Organic matter found in our dense forests
Foliage by Sebastian Schade

Mulch  - Organic matter found in our dense forests
(BaseColor | Height | Roughness)

Mulch - Organic matter found in our dense forests
(BaseColor | Height | Roughness)

Howler Mud - Mud found near Howler nest, showing signs of his prey

Howler Mud - Mud found near Howler nest, showing signs of his prey

Howler Mud - Mud found near Howler nest, showing signs of his prey
(BaseColor | Height | Roughness)

Howler Mud - Mud found near Howler nest, showing signs of his prey
(BaseColor | Height | Roughness)

Sand Gravel
Foliage by Sebastian Schade

Sand Gravel
Foliage by Sebastian Schade

Sand Gravel (BaseColor | Height | Roughness)

Sand Gravel (BaseColor | Height | Roughness)

Foliage by Sebastian Schade

Foliage by Sebastian Schade

Sand (BaseColor | Height | Roughness)

Sand (BaseColor | Height | Roughness)

Cycle Frontier - Materials

Materials I created for the landscapes in The Cycle Frontier. The goal was to match the quality and find a consistent texture stylization, that would blend well with all our organic assets.
Most of thsee materials us the new Soil graph as a base to create variations and keep consistency across a variety of materials. All these materials were created procedurally in combination with new graphs that captures our existing pebbles, leaves and other debris.

Foliage assets by:
Howler Nest meshes by:
Howler and explorer asset by: