Skyblivion - Anvil Materials

Rockwall ( Height | Normal | BaseColor | Roughness) original Oblivion texture in the lower right

Rockwall ( Height | Normal | BaseColor | Roughness) original Oblivion texture in the lower right

The graph uses 3 different sub-graphs ( Rockshape, Mortar & Moss). This allows for easy customization and makes it possible to use the sub-graphs in other graphs independently of each other

The graph uses 3 different sub-graphs ( Rockshape, Mortar & Moss). This allows for easy customization and makes it possible to use the sub-graphs in other graphs independently of each other

Variation to show the different variables ( Leaks, Moss, Custom Gradient colors, Height variation)

Variation to show the different variables ( Leaks, Moss, Custom Gradient colors, Height variation)

Wooden Dock ( Height | Normal | BaseColor | Roughness)

Wooden Dock ( Height | Normal | BaseColor | Roughness)

Skyblivion - Anvil Materials

These are some textures I created for the Skyblivion project. These materials were made for Anvil with a more mediterranean look.

There are 3 subgraphs for Rockshape, Mortar and Moss, which together create the final look. This allows for easy iteration and makes it possible to use them in other contexts as well.

100% procedural, rendered in UE4